Paquete de plantillas Gratis

" Instantly Get Your Own Professionally "La primera impresion es la que cuenta"

PREGUNTA: �Por qu� pagar $ 50 - $ 150 para una plantilla web, o hasta $ 1,000.00 por un dise�ador web para crear sus p�ginas ...

Create Your Own Crea tu propia "Razor Sharp" P�gina web en menos de
"Razor S Webpage In Less Than Diez minutos de trabajo
Ten Minutes of Work

From: Javier Negrón
Thursday, 12:03 PM

Estimado amigo de Internet,

If you own a domain name, you may be "throwing away" money without even realizing iOne of the most critical things that I've learned from my own personal experience , and have seen repeatedly in the businesses of my customers is this: Una de las cosas m�s importantes que he aprendido de mi propia experiencia personal, y he visto varias veces en los negocios de mis clientes es la siguiente:

Presentation of your offer is just La presentaci�n de su oferta es
as important as the offer itself. tan importante como la oferta en s�.

What that means is simply this: the appearance of your web site goes a long way towards convincing a potential customer to remove the "potential" part and actually become a customer. Lo que significa simplemente esto: con una apariencia profesional de su sitio web es mucho m�s f�cil convencer a un cliente potencial.

Think of it this way . Piense en ello de esta manera. If you owned a "bricks and mortar" business and hired a salesman to go out and bring in new accounts for you, how would you want him dressed? Si usted desea contratar un vendedor para su negocio, �c�mo quiere verlo?

  • Would you want him to wear a suit and tie, have his hair combed, neatly shaved, smile on his face and a warm, outgoing personality? Quiere que �l use un traje y corbata, el pelo peinado, afeitado cuidadosamente, sonrisa en su rostro y una c�lida, saliente personalidad?

    Or... O ...

  • Would you want him to go out with faded blue jeans, mustard stains all over his shirt, hair growing out his nose and ears, scowling and generally a pain in the backside? �Te gustar�a ir a �l se perdi� con los vaqueros, las manchas de mostaza en todo su camisa, el pelo cada vez m�s de su nariz y o�dos, scowling y, en general, un dolor en la parte de atr�s?

Unfortunately, many web sites look like the second salesman . Lamentablemente, muchos sitios web llevan aspecto como el segundo vendedor.

And sales are being lost because most folks just won't do business with someone who looks like they just walked in from the ditch. Y las ventas se est�n perdiendo porque la mayor�a de la gente simplemente no hace negocios con alguien que parece que s�lo camina por la zanja.

Razor Plantillas Gratis

Introducing... La introducci�n de ...

"Razor Sharp P�ginas"

10 Ready-Made HIGH OCTANE Web Page 10 P�ginas Web
templates that you can instantly download plantillas que se pueden descargar al instante
and customize with your very own specific links, offers, banners, audio, text and more! y personalizar con tus propios enlaces espec�ficos, ofertas, banners, audio, texto y mucho m�s!

I've hired one of the top web designers in the world to custom design ten complete web page templates specifically for the Razor Sharp Webpages package. He contratado a uno de los mejores dise�adores del mundo a dise�ar diez plantillas espec�ficamente para el conjunto de p�ginas web Razor Sharp.

  • ...with absolutely ZERO experience in web design! ... CERO experiencia en dise�o web! Creating your own customized web page with these templates is as easy as typing in words on your keyboard! Crear su propia p�gina web personalizada con estas plantillas es tan f�cil como escribir en letras en el teclado!

  • ...without knowing a bit about HTML code! ... sin saber un poco de c�digo HTML! You don't need to be a programmer or hold some kind of degree in secret code to use these templates. Usted no necesita ser un programador o mantener alg�n tipo de c�digo secreto en grado de utilizar estas plantillas. In fact, you won't ever see the HTML side of it at all! De hecho, usted no ve el c�digo HTML de lado a todos!

  • ...without spending a lot of wasted time and effort! ... sin gastar un mont�n de tiempo perdido y esfuerzo! You can get the job done in less than ten minutes from start to finish! Puede obtener el trabajo hecho en menos de diez minutos desde el principio hasta el final! You simply plug in YOUR information to your choice of these templates and -voila- you have a professionally designed web page! Simplemente conecte su informaci�n a su elecci�n de estas plantillas y voil�-que ha dise�ado una p�gina web profesional!

How About A "Sneak Preview" To See Exactly What �Qu� tal una "vista previa" para ver exactamente qu�
Thele parece ElRazor Sharp Webpages Templates Look Like? Razor Sharp ?

I'll let you be the judge here. To take a look at all ten of the web page templates that are included in this package, all you need to do is click on the thumbnails below . Para echar un vistazo a las diez de la p�gina web de plantillas que se incluyen en este paquete, todo lo que necesita hacer clic en las im�genes a continuaci�n.

[Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image]
[Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image]
[Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image]
[Click to enlarge image]   

See what I mean? V� lo que quiero decir?

These aren't "cheap" looking web designs that are found in those "other" collections! Estos no son "baratos" dise�os web que se encuentran en "otras" colecciones!

Ahora, �Como obtengo todas las plantillas?

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